Bust Sponsors

Why support Watermelon Bust?

Why support watermelon bust? It is estimated that aside from tuition room and board the average student spends approximately $20,000 during the nine-month school year. With a student population of 22,000, the Ball State market has the potential to spend over $12.5 million in the local community.

Watermelon bust, the first and largest student-led events of the school year, provides an excellent opportunity for you, the sponsor, to expose yourself to the student market (especially freshman) in order to establish yourself in the mind of the students as a business interested in their success!

However, the most important reason to support watermelon bust is that absolutely 100% of the event’s profits go to JDRF & A Better Way Muncie. After 2019’s event almost $15,000 was divided between the two charity organizations, and we hope to only increase that total this year!

A Special Thanks to last years Sponsors!!